July 17, 2006


Metronaps pods for Powernaps

Here's details about the Metronaps nap pods if you are interested.

MetroNaps is proud to introduce the MetroNaps pod. The MetroNaps pod was designed with one thing in mind: the Powernap. Its contours are perfect for napping; its mechanical processes are perfect for waking.FeaturesA room within a room. The spherical shape of the MetroNaps pod's upper body creates a semi-private acoustical and visual environment. The cocoon offers protective privacy without overly enclosing.Ergonomic perfection. The MetroNaps pod inclines forward to allow for easy entry, and then reclines to allow for optimal positioning. The slight elevation of the feet and knees promotes blood circulation and reduces pressure on the lower back.A full-body alarm clock. The mechanical processes of the MetroNaps pod facilitate powernaps. At the timer's expiration, a programmable logic controller orchestrates a gentle waking with a combination of lights and vibration.Solid foundation. The MetroNaps pod rests on a powder-coated symmetrical steel base. A powerful and silent electro-mechanical recliner allows for further elevation of the feet and legs.


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MetroNaps for Power Naps

If you're in New York and need a nap, you might want to try stopping at the MetroNaps on the 24th floor of the Empire State building in Manhattan. At 14$ for 20 minutes, you can sleep in their cool ooking pods!Three pods in a row

Limited time'"We know that our customers have a limited amount of time, so we make it as easy as possible for them to do during the day. So we order lunch for them," he explained.

The cost? Fourteen dollars for 20 minutes in one of the state-of-the-art sleeping pods.

"Most people come in sceptical and curious but leave truly believing in the service that we offer," he said.

Mr Chowdhry and his business partner spent three years researching the design of the pods, which are specially adapted chairs fitted with vibration devices designed to make them nod off and lights to wake them up at the end of the sleep."

These pods are designed to fit anywhere, like airports, highway restaurants and even in corporate offices. We designed the pods and oversee its manufacture and we own the trademark of these pods," he says.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Making sleep a profitable business

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