November 19, 2006
Hypnosis helps Power Naps
What is a power nap? It’s nothing but a short nap taken during the day that totally rejuvenate you. Everyone, at some time or the other, needs to take a power nap. But sometimes we find it difficult to do so because of various reasons like high stress etc.
It’s here that hypnosis can help you. Hypnosis soothes and relaxes you totally so that you are able to take that power nap that you so badly need. It relaxes you completely that you forget all your worries and tensions.
What are the advantages to power napping? Well, it rests you completely and recharges you so that you are able to get back to your full potential in you work. Through hypnosis you can set relaxed condition for the nap. Usually what happens in the afternoon is that after your lunch it takes time for your blood sugar to adjust.
Hence you find yourself a little slow and dull. What you need now is a power nap. A power nap will help you get through the day in full swing. You will be a bundle of energy and your confidence level will also soar.
You need at least 7 ½ - 8 hours of sleep a day, to be mentally and physically fit and active. But more than half the people who work full time usually get only about 6 hours of sleep daily. Here is where naps can help you.
If you don’t get enough sleep daily or even if you do, but need to recharge then a power nap is a must. If you have the time to power nap but are too hyped to do so then hypnosis will help you relax and recharge your self.
Once you learn the hypnosis techniques needed to power nap, you can use hypnosis on your self whenever needed. Many companies all over the world are recognizing the benefits of a midday power nap even at the office. There are even some companies who have areas with couches and low light where 20-30 minute power naps can be taken right in the office.
So with hypnosis you can relax and block out distractions whether external; or internal and help yourself to nap whenever required. And what’s great about these hypnosis techniques is that you can try it out wherever you are at home and at work.