September 03, 2006
Let your Employees Nap, and you May get an Award!
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A law firm that encourages its workers to take a nap if they are tired has won New Zealand's top award for helping employees to balance their work and personal lives.The government's Equal Employment Opportunities Trust gave solicitors firm Meredith Connell it's "work-life balance" award for offering employees flexible work hours to take account of personal commitments.
Nap and Lose the Pounds?
Want to lose weight? Turn off the TV and take a nap. That's what the University of Michigan's Michael Sivak found when he studied the relationship between sleeping, eating and obesity.Sivak said a person who sleeps seven hours a night and consumes 2,500 calories during the rest of the day can trim 147 calories simply by replacing an hour of "inactive wakefulness" with an hour more of sleep — or about 14 pounds a year.Sivak found that people tend to chow down during these periods of wakeful inactivity. Each additional hour of sack time reduces caloric intake by about 6 percent, he reported in the latest issue of Obesity Reviews.
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 09/01/2006 | tip of the day: nap to lose weight