July 09, 2006
How to Power Nap at work
Here is a funny yet useful guide on how to nap at work. Whatever you do, don't try to pull a Seinfeld George Costanza.
Power Naps Should be at Mid-day?
Psychologist Dr. James Maas also recognises the benefit of the power nap. He suggests taking a power nap midday to not disturb the sleep-wake cycles.
I never thought about sleep-wake cycles. I will definitely use this to improve my power naps.
Cornell psychologist Dr. James Maas, author of Power Sleep writes that a 20
minute nap in the afternoon actually provides more rest than sleeping an extra 20 minutes in the morning. He also writes that napping, instead of being discouraged, should be considered a part of one’s “daily exercise routine.”
Naps should be performed at mid-day—about eight hours after we wake up—so as to not disturb the natural biorhythm of our sleep-wake cycles. Naps also should be short; definitely no longer than 30 minutes. (Longer naps allow us to settle into deep sleep, from which it is difficult to awaken).
Another nap secret? Don’t worry if you fall asleep or not. Just closing your eyes and relaxing peacefully will be refreshing in itself. The final anxiety to eliminate is concern about over-sleeping. Professional nappers set a timer for 15-30 minutes, which allows them to enjoy the full rest period without looking at the clock.
Power Nap in a Napmosphere
Ever Power Nap in a napmosphere? Me neither, but it looks rather comfortable. Too bad it's just a student project and not for sale.
"Napmosphere" is meant to be like a cocoon - providing a place of shelter, transformation and re-incarnation. the name as well as the object itself came into being as a synthesis of expression: "NAP"+"ATMOSPHERE"+"SPHERE". The intention is to take the sleeping individual out of their working environment, into a completely different content surrounding, bringing them into the second half of their work day fully relaxed.
The modular system of "NAPMOSPHERE" can be stowed into a sports-bag when divided into its basic parts, offering the possibility of an individual choice of colors. The translucent sleeping-spheres have there origin in Ergotherapy, adapting to the shape of body, supporting and relieving the corresponding parts of the body and picking up the lighting-mood of "NAPMOSPHERE".
The individual who is apt to having midday-lows during the work day can dive into a relaxing atmosphere. After a 20 minutes regeneration period the individual arises motivated and fully re-energized. The multi-layered translucent and breathable capsule in combination with a 3-dimensional laying surface allows for the boundaries of the room to disappear.
Power Nap in a Napmosphere
Ever Power Nap in a napmosphere? Me neither, but it looks rather comfortable. Too bad it's just a student project and not for sale.
"Napmosphere" is meant to be like a cocoon - providing a place of shelter, transformation and re-incarnation. the name as well as the object itself came into being as a synthesis of expression: "NAP"+"ATMOSPHERE"+"SPHERE". The intention is to take the sleeping individual out of their working environment, into a completely different content surrounding, bringing them into the second half of their work day fully relaxed.
The modular system of "NAPMOSPHERE" can be stowed into a sports-bag when divided into its basic parts, offering the possibility of an individual choice of colors. The translucent sleeping-spheres have there origin in Ergotherapy, adapting to the shape of body, supporting and relieving the corresponding parts of the body and picking up the lighting-mood of "NAPMOSPHERE".
The individual who is apt to having midday-lows during the work day can dive into a relaxing atmosphere. After a 20 minutes regeneration period the individual arises motivated and fully re-energized. The multi-layered translucent and breathable capsule in combination with a 3-dimensional laying surface allows for the boundaries of the room to disappear.
Power Nap -improper technique?
Have you ever took a power nap, but ended up feeling more tired? If that happened, you probably slept too long. Power naps should be around 30 minutes or less according to these people. Do what works best for you and keeps you alert. If you power nap, you should feel more energized.
you slept too long. ive done that several times. they say you should just nap for about 30 minutes. it does work.
Power Nap in a Casket?
Ever thought of taking a power nap in a casket? me neither. But that's what this 20-year-old college student decided to do.
A 20-year-old college student was found sleeping in a casket at a central New York funeral home Thursday morning.Debra White says she was walking her dog when she noticed a shattered window on her funeral home's back garage.....
Fish had apparently been drinking at a college party before making hisway to the funeral home, and says he doesn't remember why or how he gotinto the casket. White says the Queensbury native is apparently veryembarrassed and sorry for what he did.
Fish will be chargedfor the casket, which is worth over three thousand dollars, because itis now ruined due to the blood. He'll also be charged an additionthousand dollars for cleanup and window replacement. He's beenarraigned in court and released.
White says that if Fish pays for the damages, she'll ask that the charges against him be dropped.
Power Nap Tips
Want to achieve a good power nap? here are some tips to create a good atmosphere for power napping.
Here's how to make naps work for you:Get rid of all the distractions. Turn of the ringer on the phone, close the door, and turn of all the lights. Put a sign on your doorknob, "I'm POWERNAPPING."
Avoid caffeine after that first morning cup of coffee.
Consider your environment. Furniture has recently been designed to aptly suit office naps, including power-nap executive chairs that recline, massage your head, and envelop it in darkness. Desks transform into cots and chairs have built-in audio decks for playing relaxing music and alarm clocks to wake you up.
Lying down is the optimal position. If not, lying back in the chair with your feet up is the next best way. Have a pillow handy for a comfortable head rest. Or you can just sit at your desk and put your head down for a few minutes rest.
Remember to limit your nap time! Many executives worry that if they put their heads down they will fall asleep and not wake up for hours. Not to worry. "Power Nap" alarm clocks like the one pictured at right are available with a button preset for naps of a specific duration.