July 09, 2006


Power Nap in a Casket?

Ever thought of taking a power nap in a casket? me neither. But that's what this 20-year-old college student decided to do.

A 20-year-old college student was found sleeping in a casket at a central New York funeral home Thursday morning.Debra White says she was walking her dog when she noticed a shattered window on her funeral home's back garage.....

Fish had apparently been drinking at a college party before making hisway to the funeral home, and says he doesn't remember why or how he gotinto the casket. White says the Queensbury native is apparently veryembarrassed and sorry for what he did.

Fish will be chargedfor the casket, which is worth over three thousand dollars, because itis now ruined due to the blood. He'll also be charged an additionthousand dollars for cleanup and window replacement. He's beenarraigned in court and released.

White says that if Fish pays for the damages, she'll ask that the charges against him be dropped.

News - Student Charged After Taking Nap in Casket

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