July 07, 2006


Power Nap Can Prevent Burnout

According to this article, a power nap can prevent burnout. If you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe you should try a power nap.

Evidence is mounting that sleep — even a nap — appears to enhance information processing and learning. New experiments by NIMH grantee Alan Hobson, M.D., Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., and colleagues at Harvard University show that a midday snooze reverses information overload and that a 20 percent overnight improvement in learning a motor skill is largely traceable to a late stage of sleep that some early risers might be missing. Overall, their studies suggest that the brain uses a night's sleep to consolidate the memories of habits, actions and skills learned during the day.

NIH News Release--"Power Nap" Prevents Burnout; Morning Sleep Perfects a Skill--07/02/2002

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