Changes in the weather affect some people more than others, and you apparently are very weather-sensitive.At noon Monday, the barometric pressure at Sky Harbor International Airport was 29.89. At 3 p.m., it was 29.85, and at 6 p.m., it was 29.76.Lower pressure can affect the way you feel in many ways, and some people feel sleepy when a storm is coming.
No one is quite sure why, but one idea is that there is a very small decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air when the air pressure falls because the air is less dense. So if your brain is getting slightly less oxygen you feel drowsy.Some people feel irritable or restless when the pressure drops. Any elementary school teacher can tell you kids tend to act up a bit more when a storm is on the way.When falling pressure brings with it the higher humidity and winds of an approaching storm it can aggravate your allergies by putting more dust or mold or pollen in the air.
(Yawn) what's with (yawn) the weather?
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# posted by Mr.Sandman @ 11:14 PM